Wednesday, January 16, 2008

....wikis2...UFF DA!!!!..... gods and little fishes!!....after three tries and much confusion on my part, I think I finally managed to add to the Poulsbo Branch wiki. WHEW!!!! I found it to be way more work than I''m interested in doing on just about any basis. As I've said from the start, I am really not very computer savvy, and while I did manage (I think) to add to the wiki, I really don't have a clue what I'm doing....and I'm not sure I could do it again.

I don't have any great ideas about adding to the general KRL wiki, either, or even why we as an organization would want to do this. I guess some folks might get a real charge out of it and contribute alot to it. Me???? I just don't have the time or the desire to become proficient.

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