Sunday, January 20, 2008

...i don't think i have enough brain cells... do this stuff. Facebook is the current okay, I've read alot about it, I've toured the Facebook site, I've even gone to the Meredith Farkas "Social Networking in Libraries" link....honestly, my eyes are glazing over and my poor, feeble pea brain is in a whirl.

Then I go check out the directions to start a Facebook site and I revert to total brain death. Woe is me...! Sure, i can see some benefits to having a Facebook page (i think?), but once again, I'm not sure that I want to put the effort into starting it, let alone maintaining it.

Both my 19 year-old daughter and my 15 year-old son have Facebook accounts, neither of which I am privy to. When I mentioned to my daughter that part of the new krl2pt0 assignment was to join Facebook, her comment was rather startling..."so, are you going to stalk me on Facebook now?" Wowza, that gave me pause. I hope her comment was tongue in cheek, my gut tells me it wasn't.

So, once again, I leave here very conflicted...

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