Sunday, November 4, 2007

Etherial musings 1.0

...well, I meant to make a post on the subject of "internal" vs "external" rewards as soon as I saw the post about incentives for doing the week 3 extras...but I was so wound up in actually trying to figure out how to do week 3 (tagging) and then bound and determined to complete the extras, just to prove to myself that I could, that I just ran out of time. I would have said something along the lines that external rewards can be effective, but generally only over the short term....if the desire to even try to learn to something new or do the best that you can at some task doesn't come from within, eventually the "where's my treat" attitude will take over, resentment will begin to permeate when the "reward" is not forthcoming and the learning/drive to perform will stop, etc, etc...

Boy, was I surprised to find out I "won" a week 3 extra. When I shared my "moral dilemma" with a co-worker, I was really surprised at the vehement response I received..."External rewards absolutely do work" I was told. "How would you like to give me YOUR paycheck!?"

Wow. Hmmm and wow again. I'm going to have to cogitate about this for awhile...

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