Thursday, January 24, 2008

...what the Tweet...

is Twitter all about??#! You've got me. Once again I've done the requisite reading of countless sights re: our current assignment, Twitter. I've added a "tweet" or two to the krltwitter, the latest just a little while ago, and I've signed up for Twitter myself as "stillkicking".... I can't for the life of me figure out how to make krl's Twitter one of my "followers", but if you go to the krl Twitter and search for "stillkicking", you'll find me.

I was a bit nonplussed to find in some of the links I read re:Twitter that you can have twitters from your friends list go directly to your cell phone as a text you can be "tweeted" 24/7...

The mind boggles.

As far as use in the library goes, do we really want to be constantly interrupting work to check email for a new Twitter, or even worse, have our cell phones "tweeting" all the time. It's bad enough with patron's phones ringing left and right at various volumes and imaginative ring tones. I mean really, wouldn't a phone call do just as well in most cases? (over the VOIP's of course...)

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