Sunday, October 21, 2007

Wowza, sensory overload...

Ok, I'm back for another try. I've just gone and re-read 3 of the first weeks assignments, and while I did find some interesting points, I'm truly feeling sensory overload. I find the whole internet format to affect me that way. I want my information to be right in front of me, something i can touch, feel, fondle, other words, a book or books. I find it difficult to process information from more than one "window" at a time. The opening and closing of windows, layering, etc, leaves me reeling. Maybe it's that I just don't enjoy looking at a computer screen....? (I think I feel a migraine coming on.) However, I guess I'll go check out some other folks blogs and post a comment or two.


1 comment:

dulcigal said...

Hang in there! Even the nerds (yup, I'm one of them) have to really work on getting some of this. Sometimes I'll print out the reading stuff, rather than reading it all on the screen. It's a good break from the monitor!

Internet time becomes almost otherworldly, definitely etheresque. I found that setting a timer helps me remember to take a fresh-air break.

You have an excellent blog!