Monday, November 26, 2007

...this just might be my thing...Library Thing, that is!

...finally!! Something I can eally get excited about on "the Net"! LibraryThing really caught my imagination. I've only posted about 10 books so far, but I can see how this could get addicting, as well as informational. Imagaine my surprise when one of my all time favorite books, a book my mother had and passed down to me, showed up as a choice of other folks, too....I own an original copy of "Mrs. Mike The Story of Katherine Mary Flanigan. I probably first read this book as a young teen, and have re-read it every few years since over the last 35 years or so....It always makes me laugh and cry, everytime! Just a few years ago, while I was paging no less, I discovered that there were 2 (or maybe 3) more books in what I'll call the Mrs. Mike series. I hunted them down and read them, too.

When I've got some time on my hands (yeah, right!) I'm fairly sure that I'll be cruising around LibraryThing!

Here's the link to my LibraryThing page

Sunday, November 25, 2007

flickr: i'm not ready for this...

Ok, I've been putting this off as long as I can....I've gone to the flickr site at least three times now, and I still can't really get my head around all of the possible applications. We all know by now that I'm am an internet dinosaur, in that I've spent years "kicking and screaming" against joining the flood of web ether "junkies". How else can I describe all you wonderful folks who spend so much time floating around "out there" and loving it?? I'm honestly trying to love it, but I don't, I just don't, and it still makes my head hurt.

I think the concept of sharing your photos with everyone in the known universe is kinda cool, but (yup, here it comes...), I just don't have the time in my life to even begin to figure out how to "make it so"....maybe someday, sigh.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Etherial musings 1.0A

...I received my "krl2pt0" t-shirt today and promptly gave it away to my "extrinsically motivated" co-worker...

but I kept the chocolate that came with it. lol.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Etherial Musings 1.1

...well, I decided to see if i remembered anything about tagging by adding another link to my "cloud"? that right? Anyway, I added a link that is about something very near and dear to my heart. In early August of 2002, my daughter and i were present at the foaling of my best friend's mare, Chantares, aka Chance. Less than a week later and after two emergency trips to a vet clinic across the water Chance was dead and the filly, dubbed "Kanga" due to an exclamation by my daughter(...Oh my god, look at those kangaroo legs!), was an orphan. It was a long, hard road we went down to keep that foal alive, accomplished in no small part by the frequent (hourly feedings) and unselfish (night and day) help of many local horse people in Poulsbo and the surrounding area. It truly does take a village.

In spite of her early setbacks, Kanga has turned into a beautiful, coming 6- year- old sale prospect, and that is where the link comes in. There is a nice write up about her on the website along with still shots and a short video. Check her out at in the sale prospects under "Bequest". Why Bequest, when you thought her name was Kanga? Under the rules of the registry (can't remember which one), foals must be officially named using the first initial of their sire. Kanga's sire is Beech Grove/Big Boy, so her name must begin with a "B". My friend chose to register Kanga under the name I suggested, Bequest, as she was Chance's gift to us.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

...RSS, a snap...

...well, maybe not a snap, but definitely easier for me to grasp than the previous assignments. This was truly the first time I got excited about something to do with krl2pt0 " mean i can subscribe to NPR or the BBC and read stuff when i have time!" That got me. I have to admit that one of the things that I miss most since going back to work 3 years ago is listening to KOUW's Weekday every morning while I puttered around the house or drove children in various directions. The sad part, though(yes, I'm still kicking and screaming about all this), is that it means I will have to spend more time in front of the computer screen to catch up on what i may have missed...sigh.

And I still had to spend hours reading and re-reading to "get" it.

Etherial musings 1.0

...well, I meant to make a post on the subject of "internal" vs "external" rewards as soon as I saw the post about incentives for doing the week 3 extras...but I was so wound up in actually trying to figure out how to do week 3 (tagging) and then bound and determined to complete the extras, just to prove to myself that I could, that I just ran out of time. I would have said something along the lines that external rewards can be effective, but generally only over the short term....if the desire to even try to learn to something new or do the best that you can at some task doesn't come from within, eventually the "where's my treat" attitude will take over, resentment will begin to permeate when the "reward" is not forthcoming and the learning/drive to perform will stop, etc, etc...

Boy, was I surprised to find out I "won" a week 3 extra. When I shared my "moral dilemma" with a co-worker, I was really surprised at the vehement response I received..."External rewards absolutely do work" I was told. "How would you like to give me YOUR paycheck!?"

Wow. Hmmm and wow again. I'm going to have to cogitate about this for awhile...